
Double-clicking On The Listbox Control Registers Which Default Event?

The VBA ListBox is a very useful command. If yous are creating any kind of UserForm application you volition most likely use it.

In this post, I'1000 going to show you lot everything you need to know near the VBA ListBox so y'all can avoid the common pitfalls and get up and running quickly and easily.

VBA ListBox multi


  • 1 What is the VBA ListBox used for?
    • 1.i VBA ListBox versus the VBA ComboBox
  • two The VBA ListBox Properties Quick Guide
  • 3 How to Add together Items to the ListBox
    • VBA ListBox Listing Property
      • 3.1.1 The List Property and Column Headers
      • 3.ane.ii Updating Items using the List Property
    • iii.2 VBA ListBox RowSource
      • 3.2.ane How to use RowSource
      • iii.ii.2 RowSource Cavalcade Headers
    • iii.three VBA ListBox AddItem
  • 4 VBA ListBox Selected Items
  • 5 Reading Data from the VBA Listbox
    • 5.i Single selection only  with 1 column
    • five.ii Single selection only with multiple columns
    • 5.3 Multiple selections
  • 6 VBA ListBox MultiSelect
  • 7 VBA ListBox Columns
  • 8 VBA ListBox Column Headers
  • ix Creating a ListBox Dynamically
  • ten Loop through ListBoxes
  • 11 YouTube Video
  • 12 What's Side by side?

What is the VBA ListBox used for?

The ListBox is used to display a list of items to the user so that the user can then select one or more than. The ListBox can take multiple columns and then it is useful for tasks similar displaying records.

VBA ListBox versus the VBA ComboBox

The ListBox is very similar to the ComboBox which besides allows the user to select an particular from a list of items. The chief differences are:

  1. The Listbox allows multiple selections. The Combobox simply allows one selection.
  2. Items in the ListBox are e'er visible. The Combobox items are only visible when you click on the "down" icon.
  3. The ComboBox has the ability to filter the contents when you type.

The VBA ListBox Properties Quick Guide

Part Operation Example
AddItem Add an particular listbox.AddItem "Spain"
Clear Remove all Items listbox.Clear
ColumnCount Gear up the number of visible columns ComboBox1.ColumnCount = 2
ColumnHeads Make the cavalcade row visible ComboBox1.ColumnHeads = True
List Range to Listbox
ListBox to Range
Listbox.List = Range("A1:A4").Value
Range("A1:A4").Value = Listbox.List
List Update a column value Listbox.List(ane,ii) = "New value"
ListCount Become the number of items cnt = listbox.ListCount
ListIndex Get/set selected item Idx = listbox.ListIndex
combo.ListIndex = 0
RemoveItem Remove an item listbox.Remove 1
RowSource Add a range of values from a worksheet ComboBox1.RowSource = Sheet1.Range("A2:B3").Accost
Value Get the value of selected Item Dim sCountry As Cord
sCountry = listbox.Value

How to Add Items to the ListBox

There are 3 ways to add items to the VBA Listbox:

  1. One at a time using the AddItem belongings.
  2. Calculation an array/range using the List belongings.
  3. Adding a Range using the RowSourceholding.

The List and RowSource backdrop are the most commonly used. The table below provides a quick comparison of these properties:

Task RowSource List
Column Headers Yes No
Update values in ListBox No Aye
Add new items No Yes
Data type Range Array(including Range.Value)
If source data changes Listbox is automatically updated. ListBox is not updated.

VBA ListBox Listing Property

The List holding allows you to add together to contents of an assortment to a ListBox. Every bit Range.Value is an array you can re-create the contents of any range to the Listbox.

Here are some examples of using the List holding:

          ' Add the contents of an assortment          ListBox1.List = Array("Apple tree",          "Orange",          "Banana")          ' Add the contents of a Range          ListBox1.List = Range("A1:E5").Value        

You can likewise use the Listing property to write from the ListBox to an array or range:

Range("A1:B3").Value = ListBox1.List        

Important Note: If there is only 1 particular in a range and so VBA doesn't covert it to an array. Instead, information technology converts the range to a cord/double/date etc.

Sheet1.Range("A1:A2").Value          ' Array          Sheet1.Range("A1").Value          ' Unmarried value variable        

In this case, you need to use AddItem to add together the value to the ListBox:

                      If                      myRange.Count = 1                    Then                      ListBox1.AddItem myRange                    Else                      ListBox1.List = myRange.Value                    End          If        

The List Property and Cavalcade Headers

The ListBox simply displays cavalcade headers if you lot use RowSource. Otherwise, they are not available. The all-time fashion to add together column headers(and information technology's not a great way) is to add Labels in a higher place the ListBox columns. One advantage is that y'all can utilise the click issue of the Label if you want to implement something like sorting.

Updating Items using the List Property

You can update individual items in the ListBox using the Listing Property.

Imagine we take a ListBox with information similar this:

If we want to change Nelson in row three, column two nosotros do it like this:

ListBox1.List(two, 1) =          "SMITH"        

The result nosotros get is:

The List holding rows and columns are zero-based so this means row 1 is 0, row 2 is 1, row iii is 2 and and then on:

VBA ListBox RowSource

The RowSource holding allows us to add a range to the ListBox. This is different from the List Property in that the Range is linked to the ListBox. If information in the Range changes so the data in the ListBox will update automatically.

When we use RowSource the data in the ListBox is read-but. We tin can change the RowSource range merely we cannot change the values in the ListBox.

How to utilize RowSource

We add the RowSource range as a string similar this:

          ListBox1.RowSource =          "Sheet1!A1:A5"        

If yous don't specify the sheet the VBA will utilize the active sheet

          ListBox1.RowSource =          "A1:A5"        

If you are using the Address of a range object with RowSource then information technology is of import to use the External parameter. This volition ensure that RowSource will read from the  sheet of the range rather than the active canvass:

                      ' Get the range                      Dim          rg          As          Range                      Set          rg = Sheet1.Range("A1:A5")                      ' Accost will be $A$ane:$A$5 which volition use the active sheet          ListBox1.RowSource = rg.Accost                      Debug.Impress          ListBox1.RowSource                      ' Address will be [Book2]Sheet1!$A$1:$A$5 which volition apply Sheet1          ListBox1.RowSource = rg.Address(External:=True)                      Debug.Impress          ListBox1.RowSource        

RowSource Cavalcade Headers

Column headers are automatically added to the ListBox when you use the RowSource belongings. The ColumnHeads property must be set to True or the headers volition not announced. Y'all tin set this property in the code or in the properties window of the ListBox.

                              ListBox1.ColumnHeads =            Truthful                  

The column headers are taken from the row above the range used for the RowSource.  For example, if your range is A2 to C5 then the column header will utilise the range A1 to C1:

Here is an instance: We want to add together the information below to our ListBox and we want A1 to C1 to be the header.

Nosotros set the RowSource property to A2:C5 and set the ColumnHeads property to truthful:

          With          ListBox1     .RowSource =          "sheet1!A2:C5"          .ColumnHeads =          Truthful          .ColumnWidths =          "80;eighty;80"          Stop          With        

The result will look like this:

VBA ListBox AddItem

It is very rare that you would utilize the AddItem property to fill up the ListBox. List and RowSource are much more efficient. AddItem is normally used when the Listbox already has items and you want to add a new item.

The AddItem property is simple to apply. You provide the item you want to add every bit a parameter. The ListBox will automatically add together information technology as the last item:

          With          ListBox     .AddItem          "Apple"          .AddItem          "Orange"          End          With        

If you want to Insert the item at a sure position you lot can employ the 2d parameter. Go along in heed that this is a zero-based position, so if you want the item in position one then the value is 0, position 2 the value is one, so on.

          With          ListBox1     .AddItem          "Apple"          .AddItem          "Orange"          ' Add "Banana" to position 1(Index 0)          .AddItem          "Banana", 0          End          With        

The guild volition be:
Apple tree

If you desire to add together multiple columns with AddItem then y'all need to use the List holding after yous use AddItem:

                      With          listboxFruit     .Listing = myRange.Value     .AddItem          "Assistant"          ' Add together to the 2d column of 'Assistant' row          .Listing(2, ane) =          "$ii.99"                      Terminate          With        

Ane reason for using AddItem is if you are calculation from data that isn't sequential so you cannot use the List or RowSource properties:

                      Dim          cell          As          Range                      ' Fill items with first alphabetic character is A                      For          Each          cell          In          Sheet1.Range("A1:A50")          If          Left(cell.Value, 1) =          "A"          Then          comboBoxFruit.AddItem jail cell.Value          Terminate          If                      Next        

Of import Note: If y'all fill up a ListBox with RowSource then you lot cannot utilise AddItem to add a new particular. If you try you will become a "Runtime Error seventy – Permission Denied".

VBA ListBox Selected Items

If but ane item is selected and then you tin utilise ListIndex to get the selected row. Remember that information technology is nix-based so row ane in the ListBox is at ListIndex 0, row two at ListIndex 1 and so on.

          MsgBox          "The selected item is "          & ListBox1.ListIndex        

If the ListBox has multiple columns then you lot can apply the ListIndex and List properties together to return a value in the selected row:

          ' Display the value from the second cavalcade of the selected row          MsgBox ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 2)        

If multiple items are selected and so you tin can employ the GetSelectedRows function which returns a drove of selected rows:

                      Sub          Example()          ' Store the row numbers of selected items to a collection          Dim          selectedRows          As          Collection          Set          selectedRows = GetSelectedRows()          ' Print the selected rows numbers to the Immediate Window          Dim          row          As          Long          For          Each          row          In          selectedRows          ' Impress to the Firsthand Window Ctrl + M          Debug.Impress          row          Adjacent          row                      End          Sub                    ' Returns a drove of all the selected items                      Function          GetSelectedRows()          As          Collection          ' Create the drove          Dim          coll          As          New          Collection          ' Read through each item in the listbox          Dim          i          As          Long          For          i = 0          To          listboxFruit.ListCount - ane          ' Check if detail at position i is selected          If          listboxFruit.Selected(i)          Then          coll.Add i          Stop          If          Next          i          Set          GetSelectedRows = coll          End          Role        

Reading Data from the VBA Listbox

To read data from the ListBox nosotros can use the ListBox.Value property. This only works when the ListBox is set to simply select one item i.e. MultiSelect is set to frmMultiSelectSingle(see the section VBA ListBox MultiSelect below for more about this).

Unmarried selection just  with i column

When but one item is selected we can utilize the Value holding to become the currently selected item:

                      Dim          fruit          As          String          fruit = ListBox1.Value        

Continue in mind that if there are multiple columns, Value will merely return the value in the commencement column.

Unmarried choice simply with multiple columns

If the ListBox has Multiple columns y'all can use the Value belongings to get the value in the first cavalcade. You need to read through the Listing belongings to get the values in the other column(due south). The Listing property is substantially an assortment so yous tin care for it like one.

In the case below we read through the columns of row ane(the index of row 1 is 0):

          With          ListBox1          For          j = LBound(.List, 2)          To          UBound(.List, 2)          ' Impress the columns of the first row to the Firsthand Window          Debug.Print          .List(0, j)          Next          j          End          With        

Normally you want to print the values in the selected row. You can utilise the ListIndex property to get the selected particular(Annotation that ListIndex returns the last selected items and then it won't work where there are multiple items selected):

                                    '                          Sub            ReadValuesFromSelectedRow()                          ' Write contents of the row to the Immediate Window(Ctrl Yard)            With            ListBox1                          For            j = LBound(.Listing, 2)            To            UBound(.List, 2)                          ' Print the columns of the selected row to the Immediate WindowDebug.Print            .List(.ListIndex, j)            Side by side            j                          End            With                          Cease            Sub                  

Multiple selections

If the ListBox has multiple selections and you desire to go all the data from each and then you can use the GetSelectedRows() sub from the section VBA ListBox Selected Items. This will get a collection of all selected rows. You tin use this to impress the information from the selected rows:

          Sub          PrintMultiSelectedRows()          ' Get all the selected rows          Dim          selectedRows          As          Collection          Set          selectedRows = GetSelectedRows(Me.ListBox1)          Dim          i          As          Long, j          Every bit          Long, currentRow          As          Long          ' Read through the selected rows          For          i = ane          To          selectedRows.Count          With          ListBox1          ' Get the current row          currentRow = selectedRows(i)          ' Print row header          Debug.Print          vbNewLine &          "Row : "          & currentRow          ' Read items in the current row          For          j = LBound(.List, 2)          To          UBound(ListBox1.Listing, two)          ' Print the columns of the starting time row to the Immediate Window          Debug.Print          .List(currentRow, j)          Next          j          End          With          Side by side          i          End          Sub          Office          GetSelectedRows(currentListbox          As          MSForms.ListBox)          As          Collection          ' Create the collection          Dim          coll          As          New          Collection          ' Read through each detail in the listbox          Dim          i          As          Long          For          i = 0          To          currentListbox.ListCount - i          ' Cheque if detail at position i is selected          If          currentListbox.Selected(i)          Then          coll.Add together i          End          If          Next          i          Set          GetSelectedRows = coll          End          Office        

VBA ListBox MultiSelect

We can apply the MultiSelect holding of the ListBox to allow the user to select either a single item or multiple items:

listbox multiselect

There are 3 selections:

  • 0 = frmMultiSelectSingle –  [Default]Multiple selection isn't immune.
  • ane = frmMultiSelectMulti – Multiple items are selected or deselected by choosing them with the mouse or by pressing the Spacebar.
  • two = frmMultiSelectExtended – Multiple items are selected by holding down Shift and choosing them with the mouse, or by property down Shift and pressing an pointer primal to extend the selection from the previously selected item to the electric current particular. You tin can also select items by dragging with the mouse. Holding downward Ctrl and choosing an item selects or deselects that item.

VBA ListBox Columns

You can accept multiple columns in a ListBox. For example, you can load a Range or two-dimensional array to a ListBox using List or RowSource.

Oft when you load information with multiple columns only 1 cavalcade appears. This can be very confusing when you lot are using the Listbox. To get the columns to appear yous take to gear up the ColumnCount belongings to the number of Columns.

Yous should likewise make sure that the ColumnWidths belongings is correct or one of the columns may non announced.

Yous can do it like this:

          With          listboxFruit     .RowSource =          "Sheet1!A2:B4"          .ColumnCount = 2     .ColumnWidths =          "100,100"          Cease          With        

In a existent-world application, you could prepare the RowSource and ColumnCount properties similar this:

          With          listboxFruit     .RowSource = myRange.Accost(External:=True)     .ColumnCount = myRange.Columns.Count          End          With        

Come across the AddItem section for how to add data to the other columns when yous are using the AddItem property.

VBA ListBox Column Headers

Cavalcade Headers are some other confusing element of the ListBox. If you lot use the RowSource property to add data to the ListBox and then the line in a higher place the Range volition be automatically used as the header.

For the Column headers to appear the ColumnHeadsproperty must be set to true. You can practise this in the properties window of the ListBox or in the code list this:

ListBox1.ColumnHeads =          True        

If you apply the List or AddItem property to fill the ListBox then the column headers are non available. The best solution, albeit a frustrating ane, is to use labels to a higher place the ListBox. I know information technology sounds crazy but that unfortunately is the reality. The i advantage is that you tin use the Characterization click outcome which is useful if you lot plan to sort the information by a cavalcade.

Creating a ListBox Dynamically

Controls are normally created at blueprint time just you lot tin also create them dynamically at run time:

                      Dim            myListbox            Every bit            MSForms.ListBox            Prepare            myListbox = Controls.Add("Forms.ListBox.1")        

If you want to add an effect to a dynamic command you tin can do information technology like this:

  1. First of all create a Class similar this:
                  Public              WithEvents myListBox              Every bit              MSForms.ListBox              Individual              Sub              myListBox_Change()   MsgBox              "Selection inverse"              Finish              Sub            
  2. Name the class clsListBoxEvents.Create a variable of this grade object in the UserForm like this:
                  Private              listBoxEvents              As              New              clsListBoxEvents            
  3.   Attach the events to the ListBox:
                  Sub              CreateDynamicListBox()              ' Create the ListBox              Dim              newListBox              Every bit              MSForms.ListBox              Set              newListBox = Controls.Add("Forms.ListBox.1")              ' Add together some items              newListBox.List = Array("Apple",              "Orange",              "Pear")              ' Connect the ListBox to the ListBox events grade              Set              listBoxEvents.myListBox = newListBox              End              Sub            

Notation that you can adhere events to any ListBox. It doesn't have to be created dynamically to practice this.

Loop through ListBoxes

If you want to loop through all the ListBoxes on a UserForm yous tin practice information technology like this:

                      Dim          ctrl          As          Variant                      For          Each          ctrl          In          Me.Controls          If          TypeName(ctrl) =          "ListBox"          Then          Debug.Impress          ctrl.Name          End          If                      Adjacent          ctrl        

YouTube Video

Check out this video where I use the ListBox. The source code for the video is available from here

What'southward Side by side?

Complimentary VBA Tutorial If yous are new to VBA or you want to sharpen your existing VBA skills then why not try out this Free VBA Tutorial.

Related Training: Go total admission to the Excel VBA preparation webinars and all the tutorials.

(Notation: Planning to build or manage a VBA Application? Learn how to build 10 Excel VBA applications from scratch.)


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